what does refresh mean
What is the refresh rate for LED screens?
The refresh rate is the number of times in a second that the LED screen hardware scan the data. This is distinct from the measure of frame rate in that the refresh rate for LED screens includes the repeated drawing of identical frames, while frame rate measures how often a video source can feed an entire frame of new data to a display.
For example, most movie projectors advance from one frame to the next one 24 times each second. But each frame is illuminated two or three times before the next frame is projected using a shutter in front of its lamp. As a result, the movie projector runs at 24 frames per second, but has a 48 or 72 Hz refresh rate.
Increase refresh rate for decreasing LED screen flickering
On LED screens, increasing the refresh rate decreases flickering, thereby reducing eye strain. However, if a refresh rate is specified that is beyond what is recommended for the LED screen, damage to the display can occur.
Normally our Advertising led scren have a refresh rate of over 1920Hz, which ensure the effect is good when someone take pictures by cellphone. For midlle, high rental led screen , our LED screens can reach a refresh rate of over 1920Hz or 3000hz, which means that they won′t show any flickering when recorded with a video camera and broadcasted live on television